






发布时间:2024-08-13 12:39:13 访问量:626


On July 24, Professor Yan Mi, the deputy dean of Institute of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, along with 11 professors and 31 doctoral and master s students from seven universities in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, and other countries specializing in solid waste management, visited Wangneng Environmental for academic exchanges in the field of solid waste management.

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作为这次第5届固废治理与措置技能国际青年学者论坛的走访单元,旺能情况总项目师吕志刚师长教师向拜候团具体先容了旺能于“邻避效应 社区互动”和“超高压再热垃圾点火发电技能”两个重点学术话题上的详细实践、运用以及推广。并与来自亚太固废协会副主席(SWAP)及天气变迁构造主席(OFCC)的马来西亚科学院院士Agamutu Pariatamby传授,以及来自泰国Tha妹妹asat科学与技能学院的Nurak Grisdanurak传授,就该行业于亚洲其他国度的运用实践睁开了一些话题交流。

As a visiting enterprisefor The 5th International Young Scholars Forum on Solid Waste Management and Disposal Technology, Mr. Lv Zhigang, the Chief Engineer of Wangneng Environmental, introduced to the delegation in detail Wangneng s specific practices, applications, and promotions in two key academic topics: Not-In-My-Backyard Effect and Co妹妹unity Engagement and Ultra-High Pressure Reheat Waste-to-Energy Technology. And had academic exchanges withProfessor Agamutu Pariatamby, themember of the Malaysian Academy of Sciences, the Vice-Chairperson of the Solid Waste Association of the Asia Pacific (SWAP), and the Chairman of the Organization for Climate Change (OFCC), and Professor Nurak Grisdanurak, from Tha妹妹asat University of Science and Technology in Thailandin the topic of the application practice of this industry in other Asian countries.

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Adhering to the technical concept of open integration and co妹妹on development, as well as innovative ideas, we look forward to continuing cooperation with scientific and technological institutions and domain experts in the future.


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